Sunday, December 27, 2009

does blogging increase your SEO?

so, this question was posed to me a few months ago and I have been thinking about it and trying to put it into words ever since. I have tried unsuccessfully to find some articles and blog posts on the subject (if you have one, please put a link to it in a comment on this post). here are links to the two that I did find:

SEO Benefits Blog to Increase Your Search Engine Ranking

The Definitive Guide To Higher Rankings For Your Blog

in my own words, this is how I understand it to work. blogging in and of itself does not increase your SEO, but blogging increases the number of words on your site and the frequency of updates to your site, both of which increase your SEO.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

picasa 201 - sharing pictures on picasa

one of the greatest things about picasa is that you can easily share pictures from it.  here's how:
  1. in picasa, on the folder you want to share, click share button beneath the folder's name.  (you will have to have a picasa on-line account to do this, but it will walk you through setting one up if you do not have one yet)
  2. enter the user's e-mail address in the to field and click on send.
see, wasn't that easy!!