Sunday, March 29, 2009

twitter 401 -- sharing pictures on twitter

now that you are really getting into twitter and making some great twitter-friends, you are probably finding times when you want to share pictures with them. there is a very easy way to to this with twitpic.

  1. go to and enter your twitter username and password and click on log in
  2. you will see your twitter avatar and your bio from twitter, click on upload photo in the upper right-hand corner of the website
  3. click on browse to browse to the picture on your computer that you want to upload, select the picture and click on open
  4. add any message that you want to share and click on upload
  5. twitpic then sends out a tweet from your account with your message and a link to your picture
  6. when your twitter followers click on the link, they can see your picture and if they want, they can log into twitpic and add a comment on your picture
  7. if they comment on your picture, the comment is sent out as an @[your twittername] reply to you with a link to the picture as well

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